Close-up of a mouse looking at the camera.
Not-so-Mellow Yellow: Pregnant Mice’s Urine Stresses Out Males
An odorant found in the pee of pregnant mice—and in bananas—induces stress but also relieves pain in male mice, a study shows.
Not-so-Mellow Yellow: Pregnant Mice’s Urine Stresses Out Males
Not-so-Mellow Yellow: Pregnant Mice’s Urine Stresses Out Males

An odorant found in the pee of pregnant mice—and in bananas—induces stress but also relieves pain in male mice, a study shows.

An odorant found in the pee of pregnant mice—and in bananas—induces stress but also relieves pain in male mice, a study shows.


dogs, olfaction, smell, prostate cancer, volatiles, diagnosis, disease, canine
Watch a Trained Pup Detect Prostate Cancer From a Urine Sample
Asher Jones | Feb 18, 2021 | 1 min read
Good girl, Florin!
dogs, olfaction, smell, prostate cancer, volatiles, diagnosis, disease, canine
Dogs Are Teaching Machines to Sniff Out Cancer
Asher Jones | Feb 18, 2021 | 5 min read
In a proof-of-concept study, researchers used dogs’ diagnoses of prostate cancer to inform a machine learning algorithm with the goal of one day detecting cancers with canine-level accuracy.
Extracting Exosomes to Detect Signs of Cancer in Urine
Ruth Williams | Apr 1, 2018 | 3 min read
A new device uses anchored nanowires to capture extracellular vesicles from pee for microRNA analysis.
Infographic: Capturing Exosomes From Fluids
Ruth Williams | Mar 31, 2018 | 1 min read
A microfluidic device collects microRNAs for analysis.
Urine Test for TB Yields Results in 12 Hours
Jef Akst | Dec 13, 2017 | 1 min read
The new test could improve upon two current methods to diagnose tuberculosis—a skin test or culturing bacteria from saliva, both of which take days.
2016 Top 10 Innovations: Honorable Mentions
The Scientist Staff | Nov 30, 2016 | 1 min read
These runners up to the Top 10 Innovations of 2016 caught our judges' attention.
CDC: Screen Pee for Zika, Too
Tanya Lewis | May 11, 2016 | 1 min read
Health officials say testing urine as well as blood samples can provide a more accurate diagnosis than screening blood alone.
Putting the Pee in Pluripotency
Kerry Grens | Apr 1, 2016 | 4 min read
One man’s waste is another man’s treasure trove of stem cells.